3. Mudiyanse

Wijesundara Mudiyanselage Mudiyanse Iddawela (1909-1994) was the third of Ukkubanda & Lokumenike’s 13 children. He married Leelawathie Kumarihamy Tennakoon (1926-2015) of Kobeigane in 1943 and settled there. They had 6 children 5 sons and 1 daughter (2nd in family). They were Senarath, Sumitra, Ananda, Shantha, Gamini and Neil. In addition, Lumbini, the only daughter and youngest child of Wije Iddawela grew up with them as one of their own children from infancy.

Mudiyanse was educated at…. He started his career as a pupil teacher then as a trained teacher and finally he became a Principal. During his 41 year teaching career, he served in various schools including, Kobeigane M.V., Halmillawewa M.V., Rathmalgama M.V. Bamunapotha Primary School, Alakoladeniya Primary, etc. Mudiyanse’s wife Leelawathie was also a teacher. She is the daughter of C.A.Tennakoon (Korale) and Seelawathie Bogollagama.

Kobeigane is in Kurunegala District, Wayamba (Northwest) Province of Sri Lanka. Kobeigane is 15 km away from Wariyapola (Airport of ancient King Ravana who kidnapped Seetha, wife of Rama).and 9 km to Panduwasnuwara ancient city.